Security Guards

The Presence of Security Guards

The presence of security guards, whether armed or unarmed, serves as a significant deterrent in preventing crime and maintaining safety in commercial and residential properties. They patrol the premises, observing suspicious activity and ensuring access control protocols are followed. They are also trained to respond quickly to security breaches, enabling them to prevent criminal activities before they occur and deter the perpetrators from returning. Click the Security Guard Companies In Baltimore Maryland to learn more.

According to the rational choice theory of criminology, criminals often commit crimes after considering them and concluding that the potential benefits are worth the risk. Uniformed security guards are visible deterrents that can disrupt this calculation process by putting offenders on edge and making them reconsider their intentions. They are especially effective when combined with environmental design elements, such as well-lit areas and clear sightlines that limit hiding spots.

Security guards also effectively dissuade perpetrators by demonstrating the consequences of engaging in illegal activities. They may verbally warn or physically confront individuals violating established rules or attempting to cause harm. This deterrence is a valuable part of the security guard’s role and helps create a safe environment for employees, tenants, and visitors.

In addition to their physical presence, security guards also provide a visual deterrent through their uniforms and the appearance of their vehicles. Combined with other visual deterrents, such as signage, lighting, and fencing, they are essential to a comprehensive crime prevention strategy for businesses and communities.

Security personnel also act as an important liaison between businesses and law enforcement, collaborating to ensure that the needs of each are met. Their detailed documentation and ongoing monitoring of incidents can give them valuable information to share with law enforcement agencies, increasing the chances of criminal apprehensions and improving the success rate of investigations. They also foster positive relationships with the community, building trust and a sense of social order that makes people feel secure and safer in their environments. This can make them less prone to security-related risks and more inclined to support the measures that are put in place to protect their safety.


Security guards must be able to identify potential security threats in real-time. A heightened state of awareness allows them to monitor their surroundings, paying special attention to entrances, corridors, and high-traffic areas. They also have the ability to recognize patterns of behavior that could indicate a security threat, such as loitering or suspicious activity. This enables them to quickly respond to any security incidents that occur on site.

Security guards are also trained in crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles, which can help them modify the physical environment to reduce opportunities for criminal activity. In addition, many security guards have a customer service role, which can deter crime by creating a positive atmosphere and making people feel safe and valued.

The quality of the equipment and technology a security guard uses can also have an impact on their ability to detect and prevent crime. This can include 2-way radios, cameras, and alarms. In addition, the level of training and ongoing assessment a security guard receives can determine how well they are prepared to handle various scenarios.

Strict adherence to protocol is one of the keys to a security guard’s effectiveness. This includes following established security protocols and ensuring that access to any sensitive information or documents is restricted to authorized personnel. Security guards must be able to see and perceive any deviations from the norm in their surroundings, which requires keen perception, comprehension, and projection of information in personal and professional settings.

Having a strong sense of situational awareness empowers security guards to respond swiftly to any security incident that occurs on site, reducing the likelihood of damage and escalation. This is a key component of security guard deterrence, as it conveys the clear message that criminal behavior will not be tolerated.

The OODA loop is an iterative process that begins with observation, continues with analysis and evaluation of the outcome of a given action, and ends with implementation and monitoring. Security guards who follow this process can improve their response time and ability to detect security threats, enabling them to take proactive measures to protect people and property.


As a security guard, it’s your responsibility to keep an eye on your surroundings and report any suspicious activity or breaches in protocol. This may include vandalism, burglary, assault, or even just unauthorized access to property. Documenting these incidents as they occur ensures that all the relevant information is captured and can be used for investigation, compliance audit, or preventive measures. It’s important to have good reporting skills as a security guard, as these reports are a critical component of your role and can affect your client’s perception of your company.

To write an effective incident report, it’s essential to have excellent communication and thinking skills. You need to be able to recall details and make decisions quickly in order to document your observations and events accurately. It’s also important to file your reports as soon as possible after an incident, so that the details are fresh in your memory and you can record the event with the most accuracy.

When reporting an incident, you need to include the Ws: who, what, where and when. This is important to help determine who was involved in the incident and whether or not it requires a police response. In addition, you should document all the relevant information, including a description of what happened and any other relevant details such as CCTV footage, witness statements, or eyewitness accounts.

It’s also important to document the location and time of the incident, so that you can assess what type of response is required. In addition, you should note any other relevant information such as the condition of the building, whether or not there is CCTV coverage, and what time of day the incident occurred. Finally, you should also indicate the status of the situation, whether it has been resolved or not.

Digital incident reporting tools, such as live dashboards and GPS, can increase your team’s efficiency by eliminating any response lag through lightning-fast communication tools, automated connection to dispatch, and 24/7 surveillance. They can also highlight any recurring issues, helping you develop proactive plans that are adaptable for each client.

Enforcing Rules and Regulations

As a security guard, you may be required to enforce certain rules and regulations. This can include ensuring all employees follow the company code of conduct, as well as reporting any illegal activities to authorities. Additionally, you may be allowed to use restricted force, including physical touch, to safeguard yourself or others in particular situations. You are also permitted to detain individuals in certain circumstances, but this power should be reserved for specific situations and carried out within legal boundaries. You are not licensed to carry out a traditional police arrest, as this authority lies with law enforcement officers. However, you can make a citizen’s arrest if you witness a crime taking place in your presence and have a reasonable belief that the suspect committed the crime.

You are also allowed to request identification from individuals and escort them off property in the event they violate the rules of your establishment. Your training should teach you to assess a situation and decide on the most appropriate response, such as using verbal communication skills to diffuse tension or using physical force as a last resort. It is important to be visible at all times as a deterrent to criminal activity, whether you’re stopping shoplifters in a retail store or criminals trying to determine which cars they can break into at an apartment complex.

It’s also important to understand the limitations of your authority and remain aware of your surroundings at all times. If you’re following an individual without a legitimate reason, for example, or if you’re acting outside of your authority, you could face civil or criminal charges for false imprisonment. You’re also required to report all incidents to your supervisor, regardless of how minor they are, which ensures transparency and accountability.